This page contains photos of people who mean a lot to me.
PAT (aka AussieMan on ICQ)

Here is the chief 'Rogue'. Beginning to feel the years and desperatly need to reduce the waistline. I try to keep as active as possible with a bit of fishing and photography. I am also a Communications Officer with the Lithgow Rural Fire Services headquarters.

BOBBY (aka Smeghead on ICQ)

Bobby is the eldest of my childre and is aged 23. He lives in Bathurst and is looking for work. He is a computer fanatic and says that is the field he wants to work in. Bobby served 6 years in the Army Cadets. As well as being a member of the Lithgow Cadet Unit he was a senior drummer in the Cadet Tour Band. By the time he resigned at nineteen he had reached the rank of Sergeant. He joined the Army Reserve and was there for about 5 years until he recently recently resigned.
This photo was taken while Bobby was on a course with the Army Reserve. To see the full size picture just click on the photo. You will find Bobby in the middle row on the extreme right.

MICHAEL (aka DannyBoy on ICQ)

Michael is 20 and is my second oldest. He has completed an Office Administration coutse at TAFE. He served for five years in the Army Cadets attaining the rank of Corporal.

PETER (aka JimBeam on ICQ)

Peter is my youngest son. Aged 17 he is working at Coles in Katoomba. Like his older brothers he too served two and a half years in the Army Cadets. At the moment he is recovering from injuries sustained in a car accident on the 1st of July, 1999.

Jennifer is the youngest of my children and the only daughter. Don't be fooled by that innocent look.She is 15 and is always testing the water to see just what she can get away with. Jennifer was also in the same car accident as her brother on the 1st of July 1999. The good news is she is now fully recovered from her injuries.


Suitable applicants can apply to have their picture here. :o)).

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Valley Web Page and Technology Services
Last updated 21st March 2000